
Фонды, гранты, стипендии:
Гранты на проведение исследований для клинический врачей и медицинских работников

Название стипендии, гранта:Research Bursaries for clinicians and professions allied to medicine = Гранты на проведение исследований для клинический врачей и медицинских работников
Тематические рубрики:Биология рака; Генетика рака; Предотвращение рака; Онкология медицинская; Иммунология опухолей
Спонсирующая организация: Cancer Research UK
Other Bursaries
Тип гранта:Исследовательская деятельность
Описание: Cancer Research UK wishes to encourage clinicians and those in related professions to undertake short periods of research in order to enhance the understanding between the research and clinical communities. However, it is recognised that many people do not want to take 2 or 3 years out of clinical practice to undertake a PhD or MD. These bursaries are intended to allow such people to have time free from clinical duties in order to pursue academic research alongside clinical practice. The intention is to support people who wish to work as part of a research team for a short period rather than those who intend to become team leaders.
Финансировние: The bursary will provide up to Ј25,000 in total. This may be used to part fund the applicant's salary or for research expenses, or for a combination of the two. It is anticipated that the duration of most bursaries will be 12 months or less in the first instance; longer durations will be considered, but the limit of Ј25,000 for the bursary will still apply.
Требования к кандидатам: Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional
Applicants should be clinicians or in a profession allied to medicine. A demonstrated prior interest in cancer research is desirable, but not essential. Please note that these bursaries do not fund PhD or MD studies (eligible candidates should consider applying for a Clinical Research Training Fellowship or a Nursing Research Training Fellowship - see Fellowships section for details).
Гражданство кандидатов: Албания; Андорра; Австрия; Беларусь; Бельгия; Босния и Герцеговина; Болгария; Хорватия; Чехия; Дания; Эстония; Финляндия; Франция; Германия; Греция; Ватикан; Венгрия; Исландия; Ирландия; Италия; Латвия; Лихтенштейн; Литва; Люксембург; Македония, Мальта; Молдова; Монако; Нидерланды; Норвегия; Польша; Португалия; Румыния; Сан-Марино; Сербия; Черногория; Словакия; Словения; Испания; Швеция; Швейцария; Украина; Великобритания
Почтовые реквизиты спонсирующей организации: Cancer Research UK P.O. Box 123 Lincoln's Inn Fields London, WC2A 3PX United Kingdom
Dr Cheok-man Chow, Research Manager (Personal Awards)

Email: cheok-man.chow@cancer.org.uk
Сетевой адрес: http://cancerresearchuk.org/