
Фонды, гранты, стипендии:
Международные научные проекты

Название стипендии, гранта:International Joint Projects = Международные научные проекты
Тематические рубрики:Сельское хозяйство; Археология; Инженерное искусство; География; Здравоохранение и Медицина; История Науки и техники; Математика; Естественные науки; Психология
Спонсирующая организация: Royal Society - United Kingdom
Overseas Exchange Visits and Awards
Тип гранта:Взаимодействие, совместный проект; Проезд
Описание: The Royal Society Joint Project programme is designed to enable international collaboration by providing a mobility grant for researchers to cover travel, subsistence, and research expenses. The collaboration should be based on a single project including two teams or individuals: one based in the United Kingdom and the other based outside the United Kingdom. A relationship between both parties should already be established prior to making an application. The collaboration should involve bilateral visits between the United Kingdom and the country with which the overseas collaborator is based.
Applications will only be considered for bilateral (not multilateral) projects. Currently Joint Projects Grants are available to European and former Soviet Union countries, China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, and certain countries in Latin America.
Applications are considered in all sciences, i.e., the disciplines in which the Royal Society will elect researchers to the Fellowship of the Royal Society:
- Pure and applied mathematics and computer science
- Physics, applied physics, and theoretical physics
- Chemistry, applied chemistry, and theoretical chemistry
- Engineering, technology, instrumentation, materials science, and experimental fluid dynamics
- Geosciences and astronomy
- Biochemistry, structural biology, and molecular cell biology
- Developmental biology, genetics (excluding population genetics), and immunology and microbiology (except medical microbiology)
- Anatomy, physiology, and neurosciences
- Organismal, evolutionary, and ecological science, including soils and agriculture
- Health and human sciences
The Royal Society does not fund social sciences or clinical medical research
Финансировние: The Joint Project scheme runs for two years. The Joint Project grant provides a maximum of ВЈ 6,000 per year. This may be used to claim the costs of travel and subsistence. Within the ВЈ6,000 cap, the UK leader may request up to ВЈ1,000 maximum for research expenses (excluding computer hardware)
Крайний срок подачи заявки:Varies. For applicants from countries for which direct applications are accepted, the deadlines are: March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15. For countries with cost-share agreements the parallel deadlines are as follows:
- China (NSFC), September 15
- Taiwan (NSC), March 15
- India (BCI), December 15 and June 15
- Spain (CSIC), March 15 and September 15
- France (CNRS) March 15
- Ireland (RIA) September 15
It is the responsibility of the UK scientist to submit all applications. Applications received directly from overseas scientists will not be accepted.
The Royal Society has agreements with funding bodies abroad (partner organisations). Applicants must check the partner list to determine whether the visitor needs to apply to the academy in their home country in the first instance.
Applications will be submitted to the applicant's university department who will approve it and submit it to the Royal Society. For this reason, the Royal Society suggest applicants submit their application to their approving department at least five days before the closing date.
Требования к кандидатам: Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional
Grants are intended for UK and overseas scientists of proven research ability. The project leaders must be of at least postdoctoral status or equivalent.
UK collaborators should be resident within the United Kingdom. EU citizens may apply provided they hold a permanent position in the United Kingdom. Non-EU citizens may apply provided they have held a permanent position at a UK institute for at least three consecutive years, exclusive of any period in full time education.
UK project leaders can be based at any UK research institute. Scientists working in governmental research institutes are not excluded from acting as project leaders but they should explain, in a separate email, why their parent institute is not funding the visit.
Teams must be from academia and not industry.
Гражданство кандидатов: Китай; Содружество Независимых государств (СНГ); Куба; Европа; Япония; Россия; Южная Америка; Южная Корея; Тайвань; Великобритания; Албания; Андорра; Аргентина; Армения; Австрия; Азербайджан; Беларусь; Бельгия; Боливия; Босния и Герцеговина; Бразилия; Болгария; Чили; Колумбия; Хорватия; Чешская республика; Дания; Эквадор; Эстония; Финляндия; Франция; Грузия, Германия; Греция; Гайана; Ватикан; Гонконг; Венгрия; Исландия; Ирландия; Италия; Казахстан; Кыргызстан; Латвия; Лихтенштейн; Литва; Люксембург; Македония, Мальта; Молдова; Монако; Нидерланды; Норвегия; Парагвай; Перу; Польша; Португалия; Румыния; Сан-Марино; Сербия и Черногория; Словакия; Словения; Испания; Суринам; Швеция; Швейцария; Таджикистан; Туркмения; Украина; Уругвай; Узбекистан; Венесуэла
Почтовые реквизиты спонсирующей организации: Royal Society 6-9 Carlton House Terrace London, SW1Y 5AG United Kingdom
Telephone +44 (0) 20-7451-2555 +44 (0) 20-7451-2500
Fax +44 (0) 20-7930-2170
Email: international@royalsoc.ac.uk
Сетевой адрес: https://royalsociety.org/grants/international-exchanges/