
Фонды, гранты, стипендии:
Программа краткосрочных стипендий Европейской Федерации биохимических обществ

Название стипендии, гранта:Federation of European Biochemical Societies Short-Term Fellowships = Программа краткосрочных стипендий Европейской Федерации биохимических обществ
Тематические рубрики:Биохимия; Молекулярная биология
Спонсирующая организация: Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
Тип гранта:Сотрудничество; Обучение; Стипендия; Проезд
Описание: Short-Term Fellowships are awarded for the purpose of scientific collaboration, advanced training or employing techniques not available at the candidates’ usual place of work.
Fellowships are granted for periods of no longer than two or, in exceptional cases, three months.
Финансировние: Short-term visits are those not longer than two or, in exceptional cases, three months. Travel costs will provide for a second-class rail fare or an economy flight if the journey exceeds 18 hours by train.
For journeys longer than 10 hours, expenses will be reimbursed for the cost of a couchette. At present, the daily allowance is DEM 90. Short-Term Fellowships are intended to cover travel and subsistence costs for the fellow only; expenses incurred by dependants are not provided. No FEBS grant will be awarded to the institute accepting the applicant to cover research costs or bench fees. Medical and travel insurance are not provided by FEBS.
Short-Term Fellowships may not be used to complement other fellowships; applicants should state whether or not applications have been submitted to other grant-awarding bodies for the same project.
Крайний срок подачи заявки:Continuous. There is no deadline for applications for Short-Term Fellowships but an application should reach the chair at least two months before the proposed starting date.
Требования к кандидатам: Applicants must have a PhD or at least one published paper as a main author in an international scientific journal. They should normally be scientists with no more than six years post-doctoral experience.
In order to be eligible to apply for a Short-Term Fellowship, applicants need to be members of a FEBS Constituent Society, to be working in a laboratory in a FEBS country and to be seeking to work in a laboratory in a different FEBS country.
Гражданство кандидатов: Албания; Андорра; Австрия; Беларусь; Бельгия; Босния и Герцеговина; Болгария; Хорватия; Чехия; Дания; Эстония; Финляндия; Франция; Германия; Греция; Венгрия; Исландия; Ирландия; Италия; Латвия; Лихтенштейн; Литва; Люксембург; Македония, Мальта; Молдова; Монако; Нидерланды; Норвегия; Польша; Португалия; Румыния; Сан-Марино; Сербия и Черногория; Словакия; Словения; Испания; Швеция; Швейцария; Украина; Великобритания
Почтовые реквизиты спонсирующей организации: Prof. Maceij Nalecz UNESCO SC/BES B3.291 rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15 France Tel. +33 1 4568 3930 Fax. +33 1 4568 5821
Email: m.nalecz@unesco.org
Сетевой адрес: http://www.febs.org/index.php?id=82