
Фонды, гранты, стипендии:
Гранты по поддержке инновационных проектов Международной ассоциации содействия сотрудничеству с учеными из независимых государств бывшего Советского Союза (INTAS)

Название стипендии, гранта:INTAS Innovation Grants = Гранты по поддержке инновационных проектов Международной ассоциации содействия сотрудничеству с учеными из независимых государств бывшего Советского Союза (INTAS)
Тематические рубрики:Сельское хозяйство и продовольствие; Экономика; Энергетика; Машиностроение; Здравоохранение и медицина; Естественные науки и физика, Математика; Социалогия
Спонсирующая организация: The International Association for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Societ Union
Тип гранта:Сотрудничество и взаимодействие; научные исследования
Описание: INTAS, the International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (NIS), promotes joint scientific activities between the INTAS Members and the NIS in all exact and natural sciences, economics, and human and social sciences.
In 2006 INTAS is launching a collaborative call for Innovation Grants (Innovation Partnering Projects) with the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE), Russia. Innovation Partnering Projects are for use of research results within enterprises.
INTAS and FASIE support technology-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in INTAS Member States and in the NIS wishing to innovate and to create international partnerships. INTAS and FASIE will provide severally financial support for the exploitation by such enterprises of research results with the potential to lead to innovative products, technologies, or services of significant economic or societal value.
An Innovation Grant will help a consortium made of NIS and INTAS partners, in a mutually beneficial approach, to further develop and protect results of research and technology development and to orient their use towards clearly specified needs of the market or of society at large in the INTAS member states and the NIS.
Финансировние: The project duration must be 12, 18, or 24 months. The maximum project grant to be provided by INTAS and FASIE is €50,000, contributed in equal shares. FASIE's contribution must be used to support Russian small innovative enterprises for research and technology development activities. INTAS' contribution will be provided to members of the consortium from INTAS countries or NIS contractors not funded by FASIE. The SME from an INTAS member state must additionally contribute to the project not less than INTAS' contribution.
Требования к кандидатам: The project consortia must comprise at least three contractors: one small innovative enterprise from Russia and two organisations from different INTAS member states including a technology-oriented SME. One of the INTAS member organisations should serve as coordinator of the project. Additional contractors from Russia and other NIS and INTAS member states may be included in the consortium. The consortium must include one of the main authors of the innovation.
The INTAS Member States are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Turkey, and the European Community.
Гражданство кандидатов: Австрия; Бельгия; Болгария; Содружество Независимых государств (СНГ); Кипр; Чешская республика; Дания; Эстония; Европейский союз (ЕС); Финляндия; Франция; Германия; Греция; Венгрия; Исландия; Ирландия; Израиль; Италия; Латвия; Литва; Люксембург; Мальта; Нидерланды; Норвегия; Польша; Португалия; Румыния; Россия; Словакия; Словения; Испания; Швеция; Швейцария; Турция; Великобритания; Армения; Азербайджан; Беларусь; Грузия; Казахстан; Кыргызстан; Молдова; Таджикистан; Туркмения; Украина; Узбекистан
Почтовые реквизиты спонсирующей организации: INTAS Secretariat 58 Avenue des Arts, Box 8 B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone +32 (2) 549-01-11
Fax +32 (2) 549-01-56
Email: info@intas.be
Сетевой адрес: https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/25511-intas-invites-tenders-for-innovation-grants