
Фонды, гранты, стипендии:
Грант Европейского общества кардиологов на обучение

Название стипендии, гранта:European Society of Cardiology Training Grant = Грант Европейского общества кардиологов на обучение
Тематические рубрики:Кардиология; Медицина клиническая; Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания
Спонсирующая организация:European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Тип гранта:Обучение
Описание: The European Society of Cardiology invites applications for Clinical Training Grants to be taken up in 2008-2009.
Regarding the Training programme, proposals may be submitted for specialised training or further training in the subject relevant to a particular clinical interest.
Candidates are advised to seek out a centre in another country within Europe which not only offers good training opportunities but which is also appropriate for the particular field in which they wish to train.
ESC Training Grants may be held for any period from three months to one year: the recommended training period is 6 months. For invasive/ interventional techniques a 12-month period is encouraged.
Финансирование:ESC Research Grants may be held for any period from 6 to 12 months. The ESC highly recommends holding the grants for a period of 12 months. Grant recipients will receive a sum of €24,000 p.a. (i.e., €2,000 per month) for their daily subsistence.
Требования к кандидатам:Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional
A category of grants awarded to young cardiologists (aged < 36 years) who wish to update their clinical training with modern cardiological methods, especially when it is impossible to learn particular techniques in their own country.
Any citizen or permanent resident of a country, which is a regular ESC member can apply : graduates should have completed the major part of their cardiology training or have an equivalent academic grade.
Гражданство кандидатов:Албания; Андорра; Австрия; Беларусь; Бельгия; Босния и Герцеговина; Болгария; Хорватия; Чехия; Дания; Эстония; Финляндия; Франция; Германия; Греция; Венгрия; Исландия; Ирландия; Италия; Латвия; Лихтенштейн; Литва; Люксембург; Македония, Республика; Мальта; Молдова; Монако; Нидерланды; Норвегия; Польша; Португалия; Румыния; Сан-Марино; Сербия и Черногория; Словакия; Словения; Испания; Швеция; Швейцария; Украина; Великобритания
Почтовые реквизиты спонсирующей организации:ESC - The European Heart House ESC Office for Board Committees 2035 Route des Colles, Les Templiers B.P. 179 06903 Sophia Antipolis, France
Telephone +33 4-92-94-76-42
Fax +33 4-92-94-76-08
Email: grants@escardio.org
Сетевой адрес:http://escardio.org/The-ESC