
Фонды, гранты, стипендии:
Международные стипендии по вопросам искусственной вентиляции легких

Название стипендии, гранта:International Fellowships in Respiratory Care = Международные стипендии по вопросам искусственной вентиляции легких
Тематические рубрики:Пульмонология; Легких болезни; Респираторная терапия
Спонсирующая организация: American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC)
American Respiratory Care Foundation (ARCF)
Тип гранта:Стипендия
Описание: The mission of the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) is "to promote communication and fellowship among respiratory care professionals in the United States and their counterparts worldwide" through "cooperation, dialogue, and educational exchanges." In keeping with this mission, the AARC is offering International Fellowships in Respiratory Care, sponsored by the American Respiratory Care Foundation (ARCF).
The International Fellowships have been established to assist health care professionals in visits to the United States to observe the practice of respiratory care as it is performed in a variety of settings, and visit the educational programs that teach it. The goals of the fellowship program are to
- promote the exchange, development, and coordination of the art, science, and application of respiratory care;
- allow for meaningful interaction and cooperation among multinational colleagues in an apolitical, humanitarian context;
- enhance the awareness and understanding of the profession of respiratory care and its role on the health care team; and
- provide encouragement and assistance to those countries seeking to establish the profession of respiratory care.
The fellowship itinerary is comprised of one travel day to the United States (November 25, 2006), one rest day prior to beginning the fellowship (November 26, 2006), visits to two cities in the United States for a stay of approximately five to six days in each city; and attendance at the AARC International Respiratory Congress in Las Vegas, Nevada from December 11 through December 14, 2006. During the stay in each city, planned activities will include (1) observation of the practice of respiratory care in large and small hospitals; (2) visits to formal educational programs of respiratory care at colleges and universities; and (3) visits to alternate care sites where respiratory care is being provided, such as home care organizations, rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, hospices, specialty laboratories, etc.
Финансировние: The award includes (1) expenses incurred within the United States related to the planned site visits and the AARC National Convention, which will include lodging, per diem, and local ground transportation from December 11 through December 14, 2006; and (2) paid registration at the International Respiratory Congress in Las Vegas, Nevada. The fellowship is limited to 20 days of lodging and 20 days of per diem funding.
Требования к кандидатам: Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional
Applicants must be health care professionals from outside the United States who have
- exhibited a profound interest in respiratory care;
- expressed a long-term commitment to the advancement of respiratory care;
- indicated a genuine interest in establishing respiratory care as an allied health profession;
- demonstrated proficiency in written and conversational English
Гражданство кандидатов:Афганистан; Албания; Алжир; Ангола; Антигуа и Барбуда; Аргентина; Армения; Азербайджан; Бангладеш; Барбадос; Беларусь; Белиз; Бенин; Бутан; Боливия; Босния и Герцеговина; Ботсвана; Бразилия; Болгария; Буркина-Фасо; Бирма; Бурунди; Камбоджа; Камерун; Зеленый мыс; Центральноафриканская Республика; Чад; Чили; Китай; Колумбия; Коморские острова; Конго; Конго, Демократическая республика (Заира); Коста-Рика; Кот-д'Ивуар; Хорватия; Куба; Чехия; Джибути; Доминиканская республика; Доминиканская Республика; Восточный Тимор; Эквадор; Египет; Сальвадор; Экваториальная Гвинея; Эритрея; Эстония; Эфиопия; Фиджи; Франция; Габон; Гамбия; Сектор Газа; Грузия; Гана; Гренада; Гватемала; Гвинея; Гвинея - Бисау; Гайана; Гаити; Гондурас; Венгрия; Индия; Индонезия; Иран; Ирак; Ямайка; Иордания; Казахстан; Кения; Кирибати; Кыргызстан; Лаос; Латвия; Ливан; Лесото; Либерия; Ливия; Литва; Македония, Прежняя югославская Республика; Мадагаскар; Малави; Малайзия; Мальдивы; Мали; Маршалловы острова; Мавритания; Маврикий; Мексика; Микронезия, Объединенные государства; Молдова; Монголия; Марокко; Мозамбик; Намибия; Непал; Никарагуа; Нигер; Нигерия; Северная Корея; Оман; Пакистан; Палау; Панама; Папуа-Новая Гвинея; Парагвай; Перу; Филиппины; Польша; Румыния; Россия; Руанда; Сент-Люсия; Сент-Винсент и Гренадины; Сенегал; Сербия и Черногория; Сейшельские острова; Сьерра-Леоне; Словакия; Соломоновы Острова; Сомали; Южная Африка; Шри-Ланка; Судан; Суринам; Свазиленд; Сирия; Таджикистан; Танзания; Таиланд; Того; Тонга; Тринидад и Тобаго; Тунис; Турция; Туркмения; Уганда; Украина; Уругвай; Узбекистан; Венесуэла; Вьетнам; Западный берег; Западное Самоа; Йемен; Замбия; Зимбабве
Почтовые реквизиты спонсирующей организации: American Association for Respiratory Care International Fellowships/City Host Program 9425 North MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 100 Irving, Texas 75063-4706 USA
Telephone +1 (972) 243-2272
Fax +1 (972) 484-2720
Email: jnelson@aarc.org
Сетевой адрес: http://arcfoundation.org/