
Фонды, гранты, стипендии:
Стипендия имени Evarts A. Graham Американской ассоциации торакальных хирургов

Название стипендии, гранта:The American Association for Thoracic Surgery Evarts A. Graham Memorial Traveling Fellowship = Стипендия имени Evarts A. Graham Американской ассоциации торакальных хирургов
Тематические рубрики:Сердечно-сосудистые хирургические операции; Торакальные хирургические операции
Спонсирующая организация: American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS)
Тип гранта:Обучение; Стипендия
Описание: The American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS) offers the Evarts A. Graham Memorial Traveling Fellowship to a young non-North American cardiothoracic surgeon hoping to study for a year in North America. The fellowship grants support study by young cardiothoracic surgeons from outside North America at sites of their choice within North America and include travel between sites. Goals of the program are to broaden overall training and increase international contacts. Awards are made to surgeons of unique promise who have been regarded as having the potential for later international thoracic surgical leadership.
Each fellow should plan to have one primary center for his or her activities where he or she should spend six to nine months. The fellow should have identified an individual at that center who will act as his or her sponsor and assist in planning the course of study at the host institution and at other institutions. In addition to the primary center, the fellow is encouraged to plan to spend shorter periods of time at other secondary centers to enhance the fellowship experience.
The fellow should become involved predominantly with observation, consultation, teaching, and research at a variety of thoracic surgical training centers during the 12 months. Patient contact will be determined by the sponsoring surgeon and will conform to the regulations and licensing requirements of the state, province, or country in which he or she is studying.
Финансировние: The fellowship provides a stipend of $75,000, a major portion of which is intended for travel expenses incurred when visiting other medical centers. The fellowship also provides two round-trip coach air fares from the recipient's country to his or her primary center. The dates of the beginning and ending of the fellowship year should be scheduled to coincide with the Annual Meetings of the AATS on May 5 to 9, 2007, at the Washington DC Convention Center, Washington, District of Columbia, and May 10 to 14, 2008, at the San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California. The fellow will be introduced at the Graham Reception and will be expected to submit a report summarizing his or her year's experience prior to the 2008 Annual Council Meeting.
Требования к кандидатам: Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional
The candidate must be a non-North American cardiothoracic surgeon who plans a year-long training program in a North American center and who has not had a significant extensive clinical training in North America prior to making application. "Extensive" clinical training shall mean any period of clinical training which exceeds a total of six months in duration. A candidate should have completed his or her formal training in general surgery and in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, but he or she should not have reached a senior position. Candidates must be sufficiently proficient in English to realize the full benefits of the fellowship. The candidate should be planning to return to his or her native country following the completion of his or her fellowship.
Гражданство кандидатов:Афганистан; Албания; Алжир; Ангола; Антигуа и Барбуда; Аргентина; Армения; Азербайджан; Бангладеш; Барбадос; Беларусь; Белиз; Бенин; Бутан; Боливия; Босния и Герцеговина; Ботсвана; Бразилия; Болгария; Буркина-Фасо; Бирма; Бурунди; Камбоджа; Камерун; Зеленый мыс; Центральноафриканская Республика; Чад; Чили; Китай; Колумбия; Коморские острова; Конго; Конго, Демократическая республика (Заира); Коста-Рика; Кот-д'Ивуар; Хорватия; Куба; Чехия; Джибути; Доминиканская республика; Доминиканская Республика; Восточный Тимор; Эквадор; Египет; Сальвадор; Экваториальная Гвинея; Эритрея; Эстония; Эфиопия; Фиджи; Франция; Габон; Гамбия; Сектор Газа; Грузия; Гана; Гренада; Гватемала; Гвинея; Гвинея - Бисау; Гайана; Гаити; Гондурас; Венгрия; Индия; Индонезия; Иран; Ирак; Ямайка; Иордания; Казахстан; Кения; Кирибати; Кыргызстан; Лаос; Латвия; Ливан; Лесото; Либерия; Ливия; Литва; Македония, Прежняя югославская Республика; Мадагаскар; Малави; Малайзия; Мальдивы; Мали; Маршалловы острова; Мавритания; Маврикий; Мексика; Микронезия, Объединенные государства; Молдова; Монголия; Марокко; Мозамбик; Намибия; Непал; Никарагуа; Нигер; Нигерия; Северная Корея; Оман; Пакистан; Палау; Панама; Папуа-Новая Гвинея; Парагвай; Перу; Филиппины; Польша; Румыния; Россия; Руанда; Сент-Люсия; Сент-Винсент и Гренадины; Сенегал; Сербия и Черногория; Сейшельские острова; Сьерра-Леоне; Словакия; Соломоновы Острова; Сомали; Южная Африка; Шри-Ланка; Судан; Суринам; Свазиленд; Сирия; Таджикистан; Танзания; Таиланд; Того; Тонга; Тринидад и Тобаго; Тунис; Турция; Туркмения; Уганда; Украина; Уругвай; Узбекистан; Венесуэла; Вьетнам; Западный берег; Западное Самоа; Йемен; Замбия; Зимбабве
Почтовые реквизиты спонсирующей организации: American Association for Thoracic Surgery 900 Cummings Center, Suite 221-U Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 USA
Telephone +1 (978) 927-8330
Fax +1 (978) 524-8890
Email: aats@prri.com
Сетевой адрес: http://aats.org/aatsimis/AATS/Home/AATS/Home.aspx